About Find Bliss
Find Bliss is the altruistic wish of an experienced and successful entrepreneur to help others find wellness and bliss. She believes that having things around us that bring us joy and peace helps our mental health and well-being, as well as that of our families and those other humans we are connected with either by choice or nature.
She found creating this site nearly broke her, the vast area she desired to communicate was too much for any one person. She was faced with all the usual challenges that a post-Brexit, living with Covid-19, single mum and entrepreneur faced. Whilst remodelling her home, running her business, and caring full-time for two family members. She stepped back, delaying the launch by over 6 months, got help from her trade associations, built a small but sturdy team, and added all the creativity and grit which being an MCIL graduate brings.
She and the team now humbly offer it to you, please know that it is kindly meant and we wish you much bliss in all you do.